God is the only true friend essay in english। God is the only true friend

Hello friends! In today’s post we will learn to write an essay on the topic “God is the only true friend”. So let’s start….

“Essay on God is the true true friend”

God is our true friend,
His love & friendship never ends.

A true friendship plays a very important role in human life. True friendship makes our life easier and gives us a memorable and better time. Whenever we are sad or happy, we always first share our feelings with our true friends. But our life goes through many ups and downs during which we realize that no person can be our true friend except the Supreme Father Almighty. God is the true friend who remains our friend in every situation. No matter how much trouble we are in, God becomes a true friend and takes us out of the trouble.

If we expect true friendship from any human being, he will also expect something from us in return. But God is the only true friend who maintains his friendship with us without any condition. God’s love is completely different from the love of people living in this world. God shows us the right path step by step. Even if we ever fall into the wrong path, God shows us the right path. God always wants us to learn from our lives and always try to move forward. God is our creator so He never leaves us alone.

It is not that humans do not maintain their friendships. We humans also support our friends a lot. But today is such a time that everyone has some problem in their life. Everyone is busy in their life. Often such situations arise that a friend is unable to support us even if he wants to. Therefore, God is such a true friend who remains with us every moment and protects us. We can connect with him through our prayers and emotions. He definitely answers our every question and every prayer in some form or the other.

God guides us like a true friend. We ask a lot from God, but God knows very well about our good and bad, that is why God gives us only that thing which is better for us. God also gives us the knowledge of right and wrong through holy scriptures like Geeta and Ramayana. He makes us so strong that we can easily face any situation in life. When we are very sad, we go to God and pray, which gives us strength to fight the problem and we definitely find some solution to the problem.

This world is a field of action, hence to live in this world we definitely need human friendship. It is a natural process that we humans want to be friends with each other. We cannot stop this but we can do this much that we must consider that infinite power of God as our friend and share every sorrow and happiness with God so that we can get proper guidance. Human friends can leave us when we lose our way in life, but God never leaves us, he remains with us in every situation, he always provides us with his love and support. If we have faith in God we never feel alone in life. If we have faith in God then we can experience God’s infinite grace all the time.

“God’s love is so wonder ful….so….. wonder ful love…!”

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